Over 10 acres of show grounds...
Twin Brooks Horse Show Grounds is the ideal location for the many exciting local horse shows in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
Twin Brooks Show Grounds has all the comforts necessary for a one-day horse show. We offer ample parking areas for trailers, water faucets in parking area, enclosed secretary stand/show office, and two fenced arenas for flat classes, gymkhana or jumping classes. The show grounds used to be the site of several dogs shows and agility trials throughout the year, however, we now focus on strictly equine events. Remote enough to be a welcome break from urban life, but close enough to enjoy any weekend, make our show ground property your next show event. |
Our History...
We are located just one mile West of Exit 77 (Manada Hill - Rt. 39), right off I-81, East of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. TBHSA Grounds are situated on the right side of the road, just after Houck Services on Linglestown Road. There is ample parking for horse trailers and the property has a fence surrounding the grounds. Twin Brooks Horse Show Grounds offers a relaxed, fun, family friendly atmosphere.