Officer & Board Position Descriptions
Position Terms:
Officer: 1 year
Board: 2 years
Junior Board: 1 year
Officer: 1 year
Board: 2 years
Junior Board: 1 year
President- The President shall preside at all regular and special business meetings of the Corporation members, preserve order, maintain the Constitution, represent the Corporation in general, and sign all official correspondence and contracts upon approval of the Board of Directors, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President will attend all Board meetings of the Corporation, but as a non-voting member.
Vice President-The Vice President shall assist the President in all duties, and shall represent the President in his/her absence.
Corporate Secretary- The Corporate Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all business transacted by the members in an official binder, and conduct all correspondence. The Secretary shall enter all reports presented to them at the meetings, such as Treasurers Report and reports of committees in their minutes. He/She shall keep a correct list of all officers and members of the Corporation.
Treasurer- The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Corporation, and it shall be his/her duty to prepare and pay all orders drawn upon him/her. All funds of the Corporation received by the Treasurer from any source whatsoever, shall be deposited by him/her in the name of the Corporation, in a bank approved by the Officers of the Corporation.
The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each regular business meeting, a quarterly report and issue an annual financial statement to the membership by March 1 following the end of the calendar year. The calendar year will run from January 1 to December 31.
Vice President-The Vice President shall assist the President in all duties, and shall represent the President in his/her absence.
Corporate Secretary- The Corporate Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all business transacted by the members in an official binder, and conduct all correspondence. The Secretary shall enter all reports presented to them at the meetings, such as Treasurers Report and reports of committees in their minutes. He/She shall keep a correct list of all officers and members of the Corporation.
Treasurer- The Treasurer shall take charge of the funds of the Corporation, and it shall be his/her duty to prepare and pay all orders drawn upon him/her. All funds of the Corporation received by the Treasurer from any source whatsoever, shall be deposited by him/her in the name of the Corporation, in a bank approved by the Officers of the Corporation.
The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each regular business meeting, a quarterly report and issue an annual financial statement to the membership by March 1 following the end of the calendar year. The calendar year will run from January 1 to December 31.